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ColBERT Training

PyLate training is based on Sentence Transformer (and thus transformers) trainer, enabling a lot of functionality such multi-GPU and FP16/BF16 training as well as logging to Weights & Biases out-of-the-box. This allows efficient, and scalable training.


There are two primary ways to train ColBERT models using PyLate:

  1. Contrastive Loss: Simplest method, it only requires a dataset containing triplets, each consisting of a query, a positive document (relevant to the query), and a negative document (irrelevant to the query). This method trains the model to maximize the similarity between the query and the positive document, while minimizing it with the negative document.

  2. Knowledge Distillation: To train a ColBERT model using knowledge distillation, you need to provide a dataset with three components: queries, documents, and the relevance scores between them. This method compresses the knowledge of a larger model / more accurate model (cross-encoder) into a smaller one, using the relevance scores to guide the training process.

Contrastive Training

ColBERT was originally trained using contrastive learning. This approach involves teaching the model to distinguish between relevant (positive) and irrelevant (negative) documents for a given query. The model is trained to maximize the similarity between a query and its corresponding positive document while minimizing the similarity with irrelevant documents.

PyLate uses contrastive learning with a triplet dataset, where each query is paired with one positive and one negative example. This makes it fully compatible with any triplet datasets from the sentence-transformers library.

During training, the model is optimized to maximize the similarity between the query and its positive example while minimizing the similarity with all negative examples and the positives from other queries in the batch. This approach leverages in-batch negatives for more effective learning.

Here is an example of code to run contrastive training with PyLate:

import torch
from datasets import load_dataset
from sentence_transformers import (

from pylate import evaluation, losses, models, utils

# Define model parameters for contrastive training
model_name = "bert-base-uncased"  # Choose the pre-trained model you want to use as base
batch_size = 32  # Larger batch size often improves results, but requires more memory

num_train_epochs = 1  # Adjust based on your requirements
# Set the run name for logging and output directory
run_name = "contrastive-bert-base-uncased"
output_dir = f"output/{run_name}"

# 1. Here we define our ColBERT model. If not a ColBERT model, will add a linear layer to the base encoder.
model = models.ColBERT(model_name_or_path=model_name)

# Compiling the model makes the training faster
model = torch.compile(model)

# Load dataset
dataset = load_dataset("sentence-transformers/msmarco-bm25", "triplet", split="train")
# Split the dataset (this dataset does not have a validation set, so we split the training set)
splits = dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.01)
train_dataset = splits["train"]
eval_dataset = splits["test"]

# Define the loss function
train_loss = losses.Contrastive(model=model)

# Initialize the evaluator
dev_evaluator = evaluation.ColBERTTripletEvaluator(

# Configure the training arguments (e.g., batch size, evaluation strategy, logging steps)
args = SentenceTransformerTrainingArguments(
    fp16=True,  # Set to False if you get an error that your GPU can't run on FP16
    bf16=False,  # Set to True if you have a GPU that supports BF16
    run_name=run_name,  # Will be used in W&B if `wandb` is installed

# Initialize the trainer for the contrastive training
trainer = SentenceTransformerTrainer(
# Start the training process

Please note that for multi-GPU training, running python will use Data Parallel (DP) by default. We strongly suggest using using Distributed Data Parallelism (DDP) using accelerate or torchrun: accelerate launch --num_processes num_gpu

Refer to this documentation for more information.


PyLate now features NanoBEIREvaluator, an evaluator that allows to run small versions of the BEIR datasets to get an idea of the performance on BEIR without taking too long to run.

To use NanoBEIREvaluator, you can simply use evaluator=evaluation.NanoBEIREvaluator() as an argument of the SentenceTransformerTrainer. You can select to run only a subset of the evaluations by specifying dataset_names, e.g, evaluation.NanoBEIREvaluator(dataset_names=["SciFact", NFCorpus])

Knowledge Distillation Training

Training late-interaction models, such as ColBERT, has been shown to benefit from knowledge distillation compared to simpler contrastive learning approaches. Knowledge distillation training focuses on teaching ColBERT models to replicate the outputs of a more capable teacher model (e.g., a cross-encoder). This is achieved using a dataset that includes queries, documents, and the scores assigned by the teacher model to each query/document pair.

Below is an example of code to run knowledge distillation training using PyLate:

import torch
from datasets import load_dataset
from sentence_transformers import (

from pylate import losses, models, utils

# Load the datasets required for knowledge distillation (train, queries, documents)
train = load_dataset(

queries = load_dataset(

documents = load_dataset(

# Set the transformation to load the documents/queries texts using the corresponding ids on the fly
    utils.KDProcessing(queries=queries, documents=documents).transform,

# Define the base model, training parameters, and output directory
model_name = "bert-base-uncased"  # Choose the pre-trained model you want to use as base
batch_size = 16
num_train_epochs = 1
# Set the run name for logging and output directory
run_name = "knowledge-distillation-bert-base"
output_dir = f"output/{run_name}"

# Initialize the ColBERT model from the base model
model = models.ColBERT(model_name_or_path=model_name)

# Compiling the model to make the training faster
model = torch.compile(model)

# Configure the training arguments (e.g., epochs, batch size, learning rate)
args = SentenceTransformerTrainingArguments(
    fp16=True,  # Set to False if you get an error that your GPU can't run on FP16
    bf16=False,  # Set to True if you have a GPU that supports BF16

# Use the Distillation loss function for training
train_loss = losses.Distillation(model=model)

# Initialize the trainer
trainer = SentenceTransformerTrainer(

# Start the training process

Please note that for multi-GPU training, running python will use Data Parallel (DP) by default. We strongly suggest using using Distributed Data Parallelism (DDP) using accelerate or torchrun: accelerate launch --num_processes num_gpu

Refer to this documentation for more information.

ColBERT parameters

All the parameters of the ColBERT modeling can be found here. Important parameters to consider are:

  • model_name_or_path the name of the base encoder model or PyLate model to init from.
  • embedding_size the output size of the projection layer. Large values give more capacity to the model but are heavier to store.
  • query_prefix and document_prefix represents the strings that will be prepended to query and document respectively.
  • query_length and document_length set the maximum size of queries and documents. Queries will be padded/truncated to the maximum length while documents are only truncated.
  • attend_to_expansion_tokens define whether the model will attend to the query expansion tokens (padding of queries) or if only the expansion tokens will attend to the other tokens. In the original ColBERT, the tokens do not attend to expansion tokens.
  • skiplist_words is list of words to skip from the documents scoring (note that these tokens are used for encoding and are only skipped during the scoring), the default is the list of string.punctuation as in the original ColBERT.

Sentence Transformers Training Arguments

PyLate is built on top of SentenceTransformer, so you can use the same arguments you are already familiar with to control the training process. The table below lists the arguments available in the SentenceTransformerTrainingArguments class. For more details, please refer to the SentenceTransformers documentation.

Parameter Name Definition Training Performance Observing Performance
output_dir str The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written.
overwrite_output_dir bool, optional, defaults to False If True, overwrite the content of the output directory. Use this to continue training if output_dir points to a checkpoint directory.
do_train bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to run training or not. Intended to be used by your training/evaluation scripts.
do_eval bool, optional Whether to run evaluation on the validation set. Will be True if eval_strategy is not "no". Intended to be used by your training/evaluation scripts.
do_predict bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to run predictions on the test set or not. Intended to be used by your training/evaluation scripts.
eval_strategy str or ~trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy, optional, defaults to "no" The evaluation strategy to adopt during training. Possible values are "no", "steps", or "epoch".
prediction_loss_only bool, optional, defaults to False When performing evaluation and generating predictions, only returns the loss.
per_device_train_batch_size int, optional, defaults to 8 The batch size per GPU/XPU/TPU/MPS/NPU core/CPU for training.
per_device_eval_batch_size int, optional, defaults to 8 The batch size per GPU/XPU/TPU/MPS/NPU core/CPU for evaluation.
gradient_accumulation_steps int, optional, defaults to 1 Number of updates steps to accumulate gradients before performing a backward/update pass.
eval_accumulation_steps int, optional Number of predictions steps to accumulate the output tensors before moving the results to CPU.
eval_delay float, optional Number of epochs or steps to wait before the first evaluation depending on eval_strategy.
torch_empty_cache_steps int, optional Number of steps to wait before calling torch.<device>.empty_cache() to avoid CUDA out-of-memory errors.
learning_rate float, optional, defaults to 5e-5 The initial learning rate for AdamW optimizer.
num_train_epochs float, optional, defaults to 3.0 Total number of training epochs to perform.
max_steps int, optional, defaults to -1 If set to a positive number, the total number of training steps to perform. Overrides num_train_epochs.
lr_scheduler_type str or SchedulerType, optional, defaults to "linear" The scheduler type to use.
lr_scheduler_kwargs dict, optional, defaults to {} Extra arguments for the learning rate scheduler.
warmup_ratio float, optional, defaults to 0.0 Ratio of total training steps used for linear warmup from 0 to learning_rate.
warmup_steps int, optional, defaults to 0 Number of steps used for linear warmup from 0 to learning_rate. Overrides any effect of warmup_ratio.
log_level str, optional, defaults to passive Logger log level to use on the main process.
log_level_replica str, optional, defaults to "warning" Logger log level to use on replicas. Same choices as log_level.
log_on_each_node bool, optional, defaults to True Whether to log using log_level once per node or only on the main node.
logging_dir str, optional TensorBoard log directory.
logging_strategy str or ~trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy, optional, defaults to "steps" The logging strategy to adopt during training. Possible values are "no", "epoch", or "steps".
logging_first_step bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to log the first global_step or not.
logging_steps int or float, optional, defaults to 500 Number of update steps between two logs if logging_strategy="steps".
logging_nan_inf_filter bool, optional, defaults to True Whether to filter nan and inf losses for logging.
save_strategy str or ~trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy, optional, defaults to "steps" The checkpoint save strategy to adopt during training.
save_steps int or float, optional, defaults to 500 Number of update steps before two checkpoint saves if save_strategy="steps".
save_total_limit int, optional Limit for total number of checkpoints.
save_safetensors bool, optional, defaults to True Use safetensors saving and loading for state dicts instead of default torch.load and
save_on_each_node bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to save models and checkpoints on each node or only on the main one during multi-node distributed training.
seed int, optional, defaults to 42 Random seed set at the beginning of training for reproducibility.
auto_find_batch_size bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to find a batch size that will fit into memory automatically.
fp16 bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to use fp16 16-bit (mixed) precision training instead of 32-bit training.
bf16 bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to use bf16 16-bit (mixed) precision training instead of 32-bit training.
push_to_hub bool, optional, defaults to False Whether to push the model to the Hub every time the model is saved.
hub_model_id str, optional The name of the repository to keep in sync with the local output_dir.
hub_strategy str or ~trainer_utils.HubStrategy, optional, defaults to "every_save" Defines the scope of what is pushed to the Hub and when.
hub_private_repo bool, optional, defaults to False If True, the Hub repo will be set to private.
load_best_model_at_end bool, optional, defaults to False Whether or not to load the best model found during training at the end of training.
report_to str or List[str], optional, defaults to "all" The list of integrations to report the results and logs to.

Sentence Transformer Trainer arguments

Parameter Name Definition
model ~sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer, optional The model to train, evaluate, or use for predictions. If not provided, a model_init must be passed.
args ~sentence_transformers.training_args.SentenceTransformerTrainingArguments, optional The arguments to tweak for training. Defaults to a basic instance of SentenceTransformerTrainingArguments with the output_dir set to a directory named tmp_trainer in the current directory if not provided.
train_dataset datasets.Dataset, datasets.DatasetDict, or Dict[str, datasets.Dataset], optional The dataset to use for training. Must have a format accepted by your loss function. Refer to Training Overview > Dataset Format.
eval_dataset datasets.Dataset, datasets.DatasetDict, or Dict[str, datasets.Dataset], optional The dataset to use for evaluation. Must have a format accepted by your loss function. Refer to Training Overview > Dataset Format.
loss torch.nn.Module, Dict[str, torch.nn.Module], Callable, or Dict[str, Callable], optional The loss function to use for training. It can be a loss class instance, a dictionary mapping dataset names to loss instances, a function returning a loss instance given a model, or a dictionary mapping dataset names to such functions. Defaults to CoSENTLoss if not provided.
evaluator ~sentence_transformers.evaluation.SentenceEvaluator or List[~sentence_transformers.evaluation.SentenceEvaluator], optional The evaluator instance for useful metrics during training. Can be used with or without an eval_dataset. A list of evaluators will be wrapped in a SequentialEvaluator to run sequentially. Generally, evaluator metrics are more useful than loss values from eval_dataset.
callbacks List[transformers.TrainerCallback], optional A list of callbacks to customize the training loop. Adds to the list of default callbacks. To remove a default callback, use the Trainer.remove_callback method.
optimizers Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR], optional, defaults to (None, None) A tuple containing the optimizer and scheduler to use. Defaults to an instance of torch.optim.AdamW for the model and a scheduler given by transformers.get_linear_schedule_with_warmup, controlled by args.