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Evaluate a model based on a set of triples. The evaluation will compare the score between the anchor and the positive sample with the score between the anchor and the negative sample. The accuracy is computed as the number of times the score between the anchor and the positive sample is higher than the score between the anchor and the negative sample.


  • anchors (list[str])

    Sentences to check similarity to. (e.g. a query)

  • positives (list[str])

    List of positive sentences

  • negatives (list[str])

    List of negative sentences

  • name (str) – defaults to ``

    Name for the output.

  • batch_size (int) – defaults to 32

    Batch size used to compute embeddings.

  • show_progress_bar (bool) – defaults to False

    If true, prints a progress bar.

  • write_csv (bool) – defaults to True

    Wether or not to write results to a CSV file.

  • truncate_dim (int | None) – defaults to None

    The dimension to truncate sentence embeddings to. If None, do not truncate.


  • description

    Returns a human-readable description of the evaluator: BinaryClassificationEvaluator -> Binary Classification 1. Remove "Evaluator" from the class name 2. Add a space before every capital letter


>>> from pylate import evaluation, models

>>> model = models.ColBERT(
...     model_name_or_path="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2",
...     device="cpu",
... )

>>> anchors = [
...     "fruits are healthy.",
...     "fruits are healthy.",
... ]

>>> positives = [
...     "fruits are good for health.",
...     "Fruits are growing in the trees.",
... ]

>>> negatives = [
...     "Fruits are growing in the trees.",
...     "fruits are good for health.",
... ]

>>> triplet_evaluation = evaluation.ColBERTTripletEvaluator(
...     anchors=anchors,
...     positives=positives,
...     negatives=negatives,
...     write_csv=True,
... )

>>> results = triplet_evaluation(model=model, output_path=".")

>>> results
{'accuracy': 0.5}

>>> triplet_evaluation.csv_headers
['epoch', 'steps', 'accuracy']

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv(triplet_evaluation.csv_file)
>>> assert df.columns.tolist() == triplet_evaluation.csv_headers



Evaluate the model on the triplet dataset. Measure the scoring between the anchor and the positive with every other positive and negative samples using HITS@K.


  • model (pylate.models.colbert.ColBERT)
  • output_path (str) – defaults to None
  • epoch (int) – defaults to -1
  • steps (int) – defaults to -1