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ColBERT Distillation Evaluator. This class is used to monitor the distillation process of a ColBERT model.


  • queries (list[str])

    Set of queries.

  • documents (list[list[str]])

    Set of documents. Each query has a list of documents. Each document is a list of strings. Number of documents should be the same for each query.

  • scores (list[list[float]])

    The scores associated with the documents. Each query / documents pairs has a list of scores.

  • name (str) – defaults to ``

    The name of the evaluator.

  • batch_size (int) – defaults to 16

    The batch size.

  • show_progress_bar (bool) – defaults to False

    Whether to show the progress bar.

  • write_csv (bool) – defaults to True

    Whether to write the results to a CSV file.

  • truncate_dim (int | None) – defaults to None

    The dimension to truncate the embeddings.

  • normalize_scores (bool) – defaults to True


  • description

    Returns a human-readable description of the evaluator: BinaryClassificationEvaluator -> Binary Classification 1. Remove "Evaluator" from the class name 2. Add a space before every capital letter


>>> from pylate import models, evaluation

>>> model = models.ColBERT(
...     model_name_or_path="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", device="cpu"
... )

>>> queries = [
...     "query A",
...     "query B",
... ]

>>> documents = [
...     ["document A", "document B", "document C"],
...     ["document C C", "document B B", "document A A"],
... ]

>>> scores = [
...     [0.9, 0.1, 0.05],
...     [0.05, 0.9, 0.1],
... ]

>>> distillation_evaluator = evaluation.ColBERTDistillationEvaluator(
...     queries=queries,
...     documents=documents,
...     scores=scores,
...     write_csv=True,
... )

>>> results = distillation_evaluator(model=model, output_path=".")

>>> assert "kl_divergence" in results
>>> assert isinstance(results["kl_divergence"], float)

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv(distillation_evaluator.csv_file)
>>> assert df.columns.tolist() == distillation_evaluator.csv_headers



This is called during training to evaluate the model. It returns a score for the evaluation with a higher score indicating a better result.

Args: model: the model to evaluate output_path: path where predictions and metrics are written to epoch: the epoch where the evaluation takes place. This is used for the file prefixes. If this is -1, then we assume evaluation on test data. steps: the steps in the current epoch at time of the evaluation. This is used for the file prefixes. If this is -1, then we assume evaluation at the end of the epoch. Returns: Either a score for the evaluation with a higher score indicating a better result, or a dictionary with scores. If the latter is chosen, then evaluator.primary_metric must be defined


  • model ('SentenceTransformer')
  • output_path (str) – defaults to None
  • epoch (int) – defaults to -1
  • steps (int) – defaults to -1