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Insert interactions between documents and queries into the documents_queries table.


  • database (str)

    The name of the DuckDB database.

  • schema (str)

    The schema in which the documents_queries table is located.

  • documents_queries (dict[dict[str, float]])

    A dictionary mapping document IDs to queries and their corresponding scores.

  • config (dict | None) – defaults to None

    Optional configuration options for the DuckDB connection.


>>> from ducksearch import tables

>>> documents_queries = {
...     "1": {"query 1": 0.9, "query 2": 0.8},
...     "2": {"query 2": 0.9, "query 3": 3},
...     "3": {"query 1": 0.9, "query 3": 0.5},
... }

>>> tables.insert_documents_queries(
...     database="test.duckdb",
...     schema="bm25_tables",
...     documents_queries=documents_queries
... )