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Update the BM25 search index for documents.


  • database (str)

    The name of the DuckDB database.

  • fields (list[str])

    The fields to index for each document.

  • k1 (float) – defaults to 1.5

    The BM25 k1 parameter, controls term saturation.

  • b (float) – defaults to 0.75

    The BM25 b parameter, controls document length normalization.

  • stemmer (str) – defaults to porter

    The stemming algorithm to use (e.g., 'porter').

  • stopwords (str | list[str]) – defaults to None

    The list of stopwords to exclude from indexing. Can be a list or a string specifying the language (e.g., "english").

  • ignore (str) – defaults to (\.|[^a-z])+

    A regex pattern to ignore characters during tokenization. Default ignores punctuation and non-alphabetic characters.

  • strip_accents (bool) – defaults to True

    Whether to remove accents from characters during indexing.

  • lower (bool) – defaults to True

  • batch_size (int) – defaults to 10000

    The number of documents to process per batch.

  • config (dict | None) – defaults to None

    Optional configuration settings for the DuckDB connection.


>>> from ducksearch import evaluation, upload, search

>>> documents, queries, qrels = evaluation.load_beir("scifact", split="test")

>>> upload.documents(
...     database="test.duckdb",
...     key="id",
...     fields=["title", "text"],
...     documents=documents,
...     stopwords=["larva"],
... )
| Table          | Size |
| documents      | 5183 |
| bm25_documents | 5183 |